Cranbourne Race Course Expansion Plan
Craig Pocock had been working with the City of Casey to develop a series of structure p[ans for many of the future growth areas in this region such as Cranbourne West, Cranbourne North and the Cranbourne Leisure Centre. The Cranbourne Raceway was not key to these growth areas but the master plan had became mired in the complexity of the requirements from the racing industry, the high ecological values of the Victoria's regional botanical gardens, the surrounding retail and business town centre and surrounding residential community. Craig Pocock was bought in by the council to work with the parties to develop a master plan that would work for all parties. Over a series of workshops lead by Craig the team work through a series of complex relationship and requirements that met the racing communities, the botanical gardens, surrounding communities needs and allowed future growth for everyone while avoid reverse sensitivities such as horse movements in pedestrian corridors that connected the community to the botanical gardens. This was one of many examples of the complex movements that was addressed within the master plan while also considering regional movements such as the Striped Bandicoot connecting from the Botanical gardens to the coastal areas hundreds of miles away and cycle-ways for the surrounding areas.
Casey (Melbourne), Australia Client: City of Casey (local council) Awards: |